Posted by
Mark A. Johnson
| Posted on
Friday, August 20, 2010
Hartford is a small township of approx 14,000 in SE Wisconsin, each summer the town hosts a free-to-attend Balloon Rally at the local air strip. They have plane & helicopter rides, a play area for the kids, live music & lots of good food! but the main event are the hot air balloon flights and after dark balloon glow.
waiting for flight time |
they're pretty big! |
after dark balloon glow
It's great fun and well worth checking out!
I was shooting long exposure skyline / pier shots, the couple were sat on that bench when I arrived. Some 30+mins later they were still there - looking out across the lake and totally absorbed by one another's conversation.
If only stories could fuel the world.
I recently took part in a world wide photo walk organised by renowed Adobe Photoshop & Lightroom specialsit Scott Kelby, well actually he hosts the event globally but the walk itself was organised by Coree Coppinger, so many thanks to her for all her efforts!
The date set for the walk co-incided with
Brady Street Days, a day long festival held annually on Milwaukee's Brady Street. It's a great event with tons of interesting happenings like WWE style wrestling, BMX stunt bikes and camel rides as well live music great food and plenty of refreshments! - what a great place to do some street photography!
Here's a few of the images from the day....
Even the pets are cool on brady street ..
but for some the excitment was just too much!
Look out below!
After all that excitement it was time to cool down and have an nice chilled refreshment..
this is when the party really got going with music and dancing into the wee small hours.